In March 2013 Khemiri’s open letter to Sweden’s Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask made history as the most shared article ever in Sweden. The open letter soon became a hashtag on Twitter (#bästabeatrice) where people shared their stories of oppression, this became international news – Al Jazeera, Global Post and Local wrote about REVA and discrimination.
Khemiri remixed the article for US readers and on April 20 it was published in New York Times+International Herald Tribune. The original text was translated into English by Asymptote Journal, French by Courrier International, Italian by Corriere Della Sera, German by Theater Heute and Finnish by Aamulehti.
Since the original publication Asymptote Journal has adopted the text and asked their multi talented base of translators to spread the word so now it also exists in: Arabic, Italian, Slovak, Basque, Spanish, Catalan, Russian, Greek, Dutch, Polish, Spanish, Hungarian, Chinese, Urdu and Serbian. In July of 2013 it was published in Japanese by Tosho Shimbun (sort of the London Review of Books in Japan).